"Look at me, now the bird will fly from my hand".
Finally Dreamer Man have chosen this caption that submitted by Anna. My congratulation for Anna as the winner of My Adventure in the MyEC Photo Gallery#3 : Instructions.
You put a big smile on my face, Dreamer! thanks for your hard effort ...
Here Tara's tips : How to get good pictures of children
1. Watch the children engaging in natural play.
2. Sneak over to your camera. (Don't let any of the children see you grab it.)
3. Find a good position that is slightly hidden from the children's view.
4. Start taking snapshots. (Keep the flash off if possible. The kids will clue in if they see the flash going off.)
5. Take as many "unposed" photos as you can. These are the best ones!
*Most importantly, don't tell kids over 4 years old to "SMILE FOR THE CAMERA" because you might end up with a bunch of fake smiles.
My adventure on this month choose one of Dreamer's photos to appear with the consideration is so difficult to lead children in making their photos. Dreamer Man has been told all when he replied my comment.
Hi guys,
Dreamer Man wants to follow the photography competition, to be held next month. When he takes a shot, he always gets into trouble as not all of his models (nephews and nieces) adhere to his instructions. Could you help him with an advice on getting a better shot? if you're Dreamer man, what should you do?
I invite you to join in this adventure of MyEC photo Gallery.
the rules :
1_your task is to make a interesting instruction
2_put yourself in the position as Dreamer Man.
3_feel free, you can ask a joke, funny, serious, weird comment or caption ... etc.
4_end this game I ask Dreamer to choose one of your interesting intructions.
Bring out your imaginations, it's fun ... Good luck!
this adventure was inspired by Wordless Wednesday
picture here Dream Team thumbs up
Thanks lidya :)
You're the winner of My Adventure in the MyEC Photo Gallery#3 : Instructions.
Congratulations, your captions : "Look at me, now the bird will fly from my hand". chosen as the winner in this adventure ... I'm happy in the end, though very difficult to determine the winner, all the comments or captions or tips were very interesting ... thanks for your participations :)
other the adventure coming soon ... thanks so much, fun with us here!
Finally the winner is Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm its too hard to chose between all this advice but
i think Ana catched my attention " Look at me,now the bird will fly from my hand"
that will make them focus and waiting when will the bird will fly so nobody will move untill the bird fly and if the bird will not fly what will i do :D
ps : I liked Notears card so much funny and also sandra was too funnyand Atika also was great Idea
thnk u all guys for your sweet participation on this challenge and for all ur advice , its realy not easy to take pic of kids when they gather all
yes u are right Nadyah , tara tips are right if you dont ask them to show thumbs up so u can hide the camera but if u want them to show thumbs up u have to show up the camera , so i have to chose one that make them focus on me to not move away
now I hesitate between ANa and Atika Notears and sandra
Tara's tips more plausible than others but you can choose one of their captions ... you can select the proper tips or a bit weird and funny :))
Now, you have the right to choose one of their captions, Dreamer!
Hi Dreamer, well, I help you to review all comment on this adventure, I added here :
Sweet Sandra :
1-Never tell Algerian kid don't do that,it means for him/her do it!
2-Propose some temptations like chocolate,toys..........etc
3-Make your self kind and innocent and let ur eyes shine like the following examples:
Skoon : For me, I tell her to focus on something she likes, makeup for example hehe, and then I shoot the photo without her knowing. This is the best way I experienced with Elaf. I will follow this blog to see if there is any other ways !
Atika :
Look ,listen to me well kids ,,i give to each one of you a role.The one who will represent it well, will have a gift. Ready ??? 1,2,3 let's start:
-Yasmine: you are "Peter pan"
-Lina: you are "Garfield"
-Mouna: you are "oui-oui"
-Anis: you are "Ben ten"
-Maria & Amino: you are together;"Tom & Jerry"
Miss.Sara : " Do whatever you like little angels just keep your eyes open please" .
Martin : "Guys. smile on a camera and your wishes will come true!".
Tara :
How to get good pictures of children :
1. Watch the children engaging in natural play.
2. Sneak over to your camera. (Don't let any of the children see you grab it.)
3. Find a good position that is slightly hidden from the children's view.
4. Start taking snapshots. (Keep the flash off if possible. The kids will clue in if they see the flash going off.)
5. Take as many "unposed" photos as you can. These are the best ones!
Anne Hodgson : Hey, look, can't you all see the teddy bear on my head? That way they'll pay attention to your camera
Expector Smith : Hey, look, can't you all see the teddy bear on my head? That way they'll pay attention to your camera
Surawan : Small Mouna looks like a doll with big eyes held by a hand
Achan Malaka : Okay, kids. I believe all of you wanna be famous like superstars. So, be the good kids and make the greatest pose. Come on, I know you can do it. Here we go...say hello to daddy...:)
Anna : "Look at me,now the bird will fly from my hand"
Grace : " Look to here and say YA everyone, Winnie bear will play with you all later. "
Monika : "Now,guys,everybody,be quiet, look at me,and give me a big smile...!!!!"
Nadira : common guys give all your best smiles and say cheese thumbs up !
ok guys let chose from those friends advice : Notears , widyah , sandra , Atika, smiling, Martin,Tara, expector smith (nice idea of the teddy bear ),Achan malaka, Ana (lol very nice idea of the bird so i will be magician :D),grace,Monika, nadira, Nadyah
Lilin: thnk you for liking my nephews and nieces :)
Nadira: Nadyah is the star forever in EC ;)
Alexandra :lol yes too naughty and Lina is the most naughty :D
smiling : theya re so sweet like their uncle :p but i wonder to whom they look like in their naughtiness as their uncle is not naughty :O
Notears : oh notears i am sure if i was going to take pic of u i will pass over one day to make a pic as u always moving in all way :p
Dreamer Girl : lol u said all ur story with net connexion :D thnk you for ur sweet comment ;)
Mouna : your advice are very interesting but i am sure when i tell them that they dont focus on pose but just asking take me take me and we will not take pic ;)
Nida : did u took pic of me for souvenir !!
Sandra :( i am not naughty , i wonder they look like whom??
Notears 2: wow i like so much the pic u made u are an artist dear this pic is on my though for chose in this competition
Aang anwaruddin: thnks for ur advice , i did not force them for sure but just asked them to show thumbs up :)
Sandra 2: you are in the competition with notears let see who will win this competition , its realy hard to chose
skoony : why u all call me naughty and i am not :(