I used to work as a marketing.
And that was my first time working as a marketing person.
There is no experience, and only armed with knowledge.
Knowledge that being a marketing person is not easy.
And I began to feel how difficult it was.
The first day I worked I was immediately spacious when the task of marketing is offering goods or promoting merchandise.
Of course know how difficult it is, if you do not have the expertise to speak.
Fatima suka pemasaran banyak, tetapi saya tidak. My wife likes shopping a lot. I do not like it. I know that it makes a hole in my pocket. Once, we were shopping and she bought a full suit for me for her brother's wedding. it cost more than three hundred dollars. Thanks, Ermy for sharing. Is it possible to be one of your friends? Thanks again.
It's true that it drained my husband's pocket. But that's one way to make a happy wife ... Weka weka
Thanks for sharing such an interesting experience. The first step is not always easy. and I couldn't agree more that knowledge is the best weapon regardless of the power of money and wealth. LOL.
That's right, because the experience that makes us able to be better in everything.