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Little Things (including some idioms)

To kiss mom from no reason, to make breakfast for partner, to create some toy for kid or to donate old clothes to charity - these little things essentially reflect our character and prove we have some will to warm the cockles of someone's heart (idiom = to provide happiness, warm sb's heart).

To come up with the excuse like: "I am as poor as a church mouse" (idiom = I don´t have enough money, I am poor) is just something ridiculous since for instance to pluck the flower is the question of few sec

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This is the third installment of my Northern Adventures' blog. It took a bit longer to be written because I was not too happy with it, and I had been re-writing it a few times. Though I am still not too happy with it, I decided to just let it be, and post it.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three and Four

Our last day in Langkawi was a bit mess-up. After leaving our luggage at the left luggage storage in the Jetty Kuah Point, we went to Pekan Kuah to do a bit of shopping. Langkawi Island is a duty free island,

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Welcome Back Home

Today is the day of national mourning for Malaysia. Today we mourned for the victims of MH17. Today we received the 20 bodies of 43 Malaysians that had been repatriated from Holland. Today is a bitter sweet day for the families of the victims.


Finally, they welcome back their love ones to be properly buried. It's a bitter sweet because they had been advice not to open the coffins of their love ones, but at least they have some closure. Though answers are yet to be given to them, their agonizing w

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My fated friend - real story

Today I would like to share something real, something about friendship you might come across over the internet, friendship which is worth it. 

Well,  I met her almost three years ago here on MY EC. I joined this website to improve my English skills since I was about to take Cambridge exam. I entered chatroom and noticed there somebody who totally differed fromothers, absolutely crazy and freaky girl. Even though I didn't know her, I was sure she is my "blood type" and we will be friends one day.


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Ham Nhon is one of commune of Ham Thuan Bac District in Binh Thuan province located in the east of Southern Vietnam, far away from Ho Chi Minh City about 200kms from the East North.

I was born, left there when I was 3 and came back every summer holidays and the Tet holidays when I was a child

By the vision of a child, that is the place where the fields were lengthened infinitely. It was blue and transparent. The ground was covered by green. The green was mixed from rice-fields, sugar-cane fields,

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RHODES - awesome island (Part Two)


After those little bit exhausting trips we decided to spend the time on the beach and to have fun there with the friends we made and who stayed in the same hotel. We met there two couples from our country and started going together on the beach or we visited the center of  Rhodes City - the capital city of the Rhodes Island. In fact, it took us only about 20 minutes on foot to get there.

Once we decided to have some fun in the local WATER PARK in FALIRAKI situated only few kilometers f

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RHODES - awesome island (Part One)


Lately I read here on MY EC interesting nice blogs about places some members like Noaspls or Tree have visited and I have to admit that it inspired me to write a blog about one of the islands I fell in love with.

Let me interduce you one of the GREEK ISLANDS called  R H O D E S, which is situated very close to Turkish seacoast – just around 18 km far away.

I visited this island with my husband some years ago but all my experiences are still locked inside of me and I would like to share

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Moravian Slovak - The Land of My Birth (Writing Challenge)

 I was born in little sweaty town Hodonín, sometimes called “Goding”. Hodonín “city” is spread in hearth of Moravian Slovak region, at southeast of Moravian territory (N 48°51'12" E 17° 04' 31"). Hodonínsko is micro region with a flat terrain, wind sand and pines/oak forests. It is famous for wine yards and wine cellars all around there. Most of opportunities for grooving plants (because very good weather condition there) making this one

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Northern Adventures - Day Two

This is the second entry of my Northern Adventures. Writing this blog in a sense is a therapy for me. It allows me to look back at my holiday after being melancholy for a little bit.

Day One

Day Two

On day two, our day started very early. After having our breakfast, we went to Tanjung Malai to board our boat for the islands hopping adventure. I was a bit apprehensive at first to eat anything, just in case I would feel queasy on the boat. But since food and I cannot be separated, I ended up enjoying

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Writing Prompt: Used To

Writing Prompt ~ Used To

 Me and my friends are used to going out from home to work at 7 PM. I don't drive, but my friends Alex and Matt are used to driving because they took their driver's license long time ago. Just Miguel is getting used to driving because he only took his driver's license for 2 months ago. So, I am getting used to getting around in the car with Miguel. To calm myself down when Miguel is driving besides me, I used to take some medication. Miguel is a reckless  new driver! Now,

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Bangladesh is a South Asian country. It is a Developing country. But we have everything to be a Develop country like natural resources,  lots of worker, and many historical place for visitor attraction. Just need to utilize every element properly. I think every people have love and affection for their country and I am not different. I feel proud of being a Bangladeshi. When our sports person participate in various international competition  it’s give me a sense of national pride. Cricket is the

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Northern Adventures - Day One

This is one of the hardest blogs that I've ever written. It seemed to take forever for me to write and finish it. Due to certain circumstances, I seemed can't find my way to finish it. But when I took the time to re-write and continue with it, it seemed in a way to purge some of the sadness away. Now, I can look back to my holiday with fond memories and I don't feel so guilty for enjoying my holidays.

Day One

Recently I took a week long holiday and went to the Northern parts of Malaysia. I went to

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~ English is easy if you follow few simple steps ~

Hello friends/Club members/...,

I want to improve my English speaking / I want to improve my writing skills / I am looking for a learning partner / I can't speak in public / I can't speak English with confidence even I attended highly paid English classes / My English is very poor. Are you wondering who is saying these things?

Thousands of English learners. Yes! You can hear these kinds of messages from thousands of ESL learners, even though there

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       I was born in Taiwan, a small but very pretty country. Many people probably don't know where Taiwan is,or even ,they think Taiwan is part of mainland China.Um.....,I try not to mention that. It's definitely a political and controversial issue. However,I love my country,being proud of a Taiwanese girl, because Taiwan is also the country where I grew up .

        In the capital of Taiwan,named Taipei, there has the tallest building called "Taipei 101".It used to be the highest building all o

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As long as I have been in Englishclub.com, I often asked my chat-mates “ What do you know about Viet Nam? ” and they immediately answered me:  “ I only know about Viet Nam through two wars in the past ; French – Viet Nam war and America - Viet Nam war”. I’m proud of  being a Vietnamese because  everyone knows about my country as the land of courage, strong spirit, hardihood, etc... But in this blog, I’m not going to tell you about it because you can easily seek it on many websites about Viet Nam

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My name is tawfeeq .I am from Iraq , it is a Sumerians land . Iraq is located in the middle east , it is considered as the cradle of civilization where there first letter of writing was invented .But unfortunately Iraq now is unstable .
I was born in Najaf in the middle of Iraq .It is a holy city because it contains the shrine of Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib with its resplendent golden dome and minarets. His holy tomb under the shrine . He was buried here since a long time .Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib is a

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As far as I can remember, I never visited my birth place. It's just a name, Batu Pahat which literally can be translated as Rock Chisel. It's a name where I put as my birth place in any document. It's written in my identification card and all official documents, but that's all. Am I curious where I was born? Of course, but I never have the inclination to visit it since I don't know anyone there, nor my close relatives are living in the area anymore. 

I grew up in many places. My parents had to mo

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I was born and brought up in Kerala (known as God’s own country), India. It is a beautiful state in South India known for its spices, heritage,tempting culture and more importantly for travel and tourism. And it is the most advanced society in India with Hundred percent literacy and World class health care systems.




For me it’s my heaven, where I wandered or where my dreams were budded…. I spent my childhood there however I couldn't continue my education there when I was 13 years old my famil

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Nothing in this world can substitute blood, blood has been circulating inside of us since we were born and till the last breath warms our body. To describe here more about blood from the medicine´s view would be work for a doctor, my task is to show you in this blog something interesting, informative and maybe you will even learn new things.

As we all know without blood nobody can survive.

So first of all I would like to appeal to you for thinking about donating blood if possible because to live w

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Plagiarism warning

Please don't plagiarize!

I've recently noticed so many bloggers plagiarizing, which means they were copying and pasting things from the Internet, such as photos, text or articles, poems or song lyrics, etc. I know most of the time they were doing that accidentally - they may not have been doing that intentionally. They may not have known what is plagiarism or may have been totally unaware what they were doing was illegal. 

Why is the plagiarism taken so seriously here? Big deal? You should know th

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