When people use a particular word or expression, others begin to use the same word or expression. But if the word or expression is being used incorrectly, then others learn incorrect use.

For example, I often hear people such as news readers use the word "amount" when it should have been "number".

Number should be used for anything that is countable eg,

"The number of people who can fit in this elevator is 10."

Amount is used for quantities that aren't countable eg,

"The amount of water in the ocean is hard to calculate."

Another common mistake is the use of the word "alternate" when it should have been "alternative".

For those of you who are learning English, pull out your English dictionary and see if you can tell my why using "alternate" could be incorrect?


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  • Yes you are right. I think it also happens in my language. Some news programs have good grammar script, some don't... But, actually, because we as a native are already use to it, we sometimes don't realise it and not get bother with it.
  • Thank you everyone for your comments.

    Alternate means to change between two states eg,

    "The police car siren alternated between high and low sound."

    Alternative means to have more than one choice eg,

    "He had two alternatives, he could marry either Muna or Jane."

  • Hello Robinoz,
    I really do agree with you, we should ask about everything new we learn it. I always like to ask native speaker.

    ‘’ Alternative ‘’ means a possibility of choice between two things.
    Example: The alternative of going or staying (the alternative to going is staying).

    ‘’ Alternate ’’ means to occur in a successive manner.
    Example: The children alternate at the game.

  • Sir, your point here is correct... when we learn from the correct person, it will be correct... otherwise it would not be correct.

    Secondly... Alternate and Alternative -

    We are using as a very we can use the word "Alternate"

    If it is noun or adjective "alternative" should be used.

    for example : I want to alternate the table (as a verb)

    Alternative table should be made (as adjective)

    Sir,, Please advice  - Am I right???


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