generation's conflict

why there is often problems between parents and their childs ?- can parents understand their childs?- can childs understand their parents?this conflict or misunderstanding exists and will exist all over the world ,because every generation want to imopose his way of thinking .....what do you think ???THANK YOU FOR READING AND ANSWERING THIS BLOG
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  • I feel the conflict may be due to not giving an ear and the due respect to the other person.
    The parents attitude towards the child in the formative years , would most probably be the subsequent result.
  • Hi dear MEBAREK .
    it is a common problem which is spread all over the world ,
    i remembered in the past children and even teenagers were so calm and they listened and followed their parents saying and commands , but these days there is huge conflict between parents and children and i think media and lots of new activities cause this problem .
  • ok , i know that , conflict is , i think ,some thing natural but i hope that one day parents will realize that to avoid it they must try to communicate more with their childs!!thanks
  • thank you for your contribution
    but i think that the conflicts existed even when the cell phones were not borned ,not?
  • thank you very much dear to share this subject !!!
    indeed communication is the right way to succed in every thing!!
    i hope that as parents we will do our best to avoid this conflict!!!!
  • Hi Atika,
    like you said that often happened conflic between parents and their childs,
    I think, the main factor is the lack of communication,
    giving rise to misunderstanding ... communication is a good way to finish all of that ...
    thanks for sharing,

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