[7 words per day] Travel

Hi friends!

I hope that you find the previous posts useful in the way that you are now a bit more confident in talking/ writing about crime and the law :) Sometimes in the future, I may mention this topic again to revise those words as well as add some more new words. 

But now, let's move on to something more thrilling!

Love? Hmm.

Or maybe Travel :D

Yeh, I'll go for Travel because tomorrow I'll fly to Thailand and get so excited right now hihi \m/ \m/

I find this exercise in a book for Ielts. So let's do it together!

Look at the following sentences and decide if they are true or false. If they are false, explain why.

1. When passengers (1) embark, they get off an aeroplane or ship.
When passengers (2) disembark, they get on an aeroplane or ship.

2. The opposite of a (3) package tourist is an independent traveller.

3. A flight from London to Paris could be described as a (4) long-haul flight.

4. (5) Mass tourism can have a negative effect on the environment.

5. (6) Eco-tourism is tourism which has negative effect on the environment

6. An (7) all-inclusive holiday is a holiday in which the price includes flights, transfers, accommodation, food, and drink.

Another 7 words !! Yeye \m/

Hmmm...I think many of you may find those words quite familiar, but don't skip them unless you are confident that you can use them effectively when the context requires. It's not about how many words you know but how many words you can retrieve and utter in real life situations. That's what I think :)

p/s: During one week in Thailand, maybe I cant write the blog post daily or any post at all.
But I definitely keep it up after the trip :)

Have fun, friends ! :D

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  • Answer

    1. F F

    embark: get on the plane

    disembark: get off the plane

    2. T

    3. F

    It's a short-haul flight.

    4. T

    5. F

    eco-tourism aims to give possible effect on evironment.

    6. T

  • 1=Wrong  because embark  have the meaning of get on

    2= Right

    3=Wrong because the distance can be cut within less than 2 hours




  • I really liked these questions because I see new words.

    For example the words embark or Disembark are new to me, I did some research. thanks for posting.

    1. (1) true because embark means get in to.
    2. true because group is against solo .
    3. false ,because the distance is short.
    4. false,i think because tourism helps to make the environment clean.
    5. false,Eco-tourism is the Least negative influential on environment.
    6. true.

    i want to say that i searched for the answers then i commented but i want to make sure if the answer is correct or not.thanks for the effort

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