Clever anti-smoking campaigns and creative advertising designed to get people to quit smoking.Smoking Is Poison12 meter long chemical tanker that looks like a cigarette was created by Cancer Research UK to highlight the toxic smoke in cigarettes.Smoking Is Poison
Passive Smoking KillsEvery year nearly 3,400 people die in UK from lung cancer caused by passive smoking.Passive Smoking Kills
The Smoker’s LungThe smoker’s glass lung was installed in front of public buildings in Germany to encourage people to quit smoking.The Smokers Lung
Tobacco Related DeathsTerrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,377. Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000.Tobacco Related Deaths
World No Tobacco DayNo Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on May 31.World No Tobacco Day
Smoking Crime SceneSmoking Crime Scene
Second Hand SmokeRoy Castle lung cancer foundation reminds us that second hand smoke hospitalises 17,000 UK children a year.Second Hand Smoke
Anti-Smoking StickersStickers for were places on cars and around smoking areas.Anti-Smoking Stickers
Smoker’s MorningToothbrush made from cigarettes and toothpaste make from ash.Cigarettes Toothbrush
Slow DeathSmoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!Slow Painful Death
Effect of Smoking on LungsNot an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen.Effect of Smoking on Lungs
Cigarette LipstickThink it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.Cigarette LipstickAnti-Smoking BillboardUsing 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.
Anti Smoking Billboard
Marlboro .44 MagnumMarlboro 44 Magnum
Fight Smoking Punching BagExercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.Fight Smoking Punching Bag
Weapons of Mass DestructionThe text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes.
Hi dear friend
it was very wonderful and interesting , people should find other ways like them to make other people to give up smoking , but it is really rally really hard ( i mean give up smoking ) cause i am smoker :(
Hello MohammadSoroushPour ,
Never seen those adds before but really, i think they are persuasive, even if here i don't think very young smokers pay attention to this..
Do you also have on your cigarettes' packs dissuasive pictures or little texts as the one you can see on this picture ?
I am happy i quit smoking years ago, it's was not easy, but to see my young mother (45) dying from lung cancer was such a shock that i put out my last cigarette when the surgeon came out of the operating room to tell me his verdict. Since then, I have never touched a cigarette again.
it was very wonderful and interesting , people should find other ways like them to make other people to give up smoking , but it is really rally really hard ( i mean give up smoking ) cause i am smoker :(

Hello MohammadSoroushPour ,Never seen those adds before but really, i think they are persuasive, even if here i don't think very young smokers pay attention to this..
Do you also have on your cigarettes' packs dissuasive pictures or little texts as the one you can see on this picture ?
I am happy i quit smoking years ago, it's was not easy, but to see my young mother (45) dying from lung cancer was such a shock that i put out my last cigarette when the surgeon came out of the operating room to tell me his verdict. Since then, I have never touched a cigarette again.
Wishing you a good and healthy day :))
Thanks a lot!!
yeah everyone has think!!
we must think about anything an after do or not do that work!!!
i am very happy you see here!!!
thanks but please don't say hubble bublle because i love it!!!
thanks for your comment!!
i agree with!!
me too!!i hope
i hope that one day the smokers will realise the danger of cigarettes