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  • atleast you are good with hiragana..

    ne sensei
  • Well Fizzy, I don't understand kanji too.. I know only that 一(ichi) means one and 日本(nippon) means Japan.. and 大(dai) means big.. but most of them have many meanings.. example 日(hi) means sun, but when it's combined with 本 it reads as nippon :D And it seems that it can be read also as "ka" and "nichi" too...

    I can read some hiragana, but I have trouble to memorize katakana.. Kanji I actually haven't even tried to learn yet.

    It would be a big disgrace to all senseis, if I become to your sensei.. :D Well okay I can be a sensei, but I won't be a teacher, because I hate teachers. Only sensei. And then you have to be very nice to me, even when I'm a total ばか(baka).
  • yes reedom.. its still dark.. sun only come out around 7.30 .. i think..

    hardi & reedom should be my sensei.. =) i want to learn more japanese language.. i only understand few words and dont know about hiragana or kanji..
  • Hardi, to type `っ' you might use ltu(small L + tu). Japanese IME allows this combination and it's something healthy for your fingers to type L than X, I think.
  • Thank you, I will remember that.. No no, not your explanation about word いい ( よく ), but that I can ask from you anything about Japanese. :P I don't have to remember by my self. I will just use you as my personal encyclopedia :D

    Yes word ii(good) is a irregular adjective in Japanese and complicated.

    Do type Japanese characters, there are computer software called IME(Input method editor) that makes it easy. There can switch between different languages input by pressing alt+space or ctrl +space when it's running. Then just typing normal romanji and it converts it all to Japanese or whatever other different characters..
    It was first difficult to me, to figure out how to tupe a single small tcu(つ) but.. it just needs to add a x before tcu... xtu or xtcu (っ)
  • Wow, really cute!

    Sleeping like a human...

    Seems really tired from work, (catching the mice), je je je!!
  • Oh no, fizzy, 6:20 is still early morning, during the winter season even the sun hasn't seen yet, how about it?
    Then sorry-fizzy, how long does it take and what time does your job start at?
  • Hardi, I wonder how could type Japanese character Hiragana...
    Well, よく of よくねる in this case expresses like really well, amazingly or deeply. Usually it modifies depth, length, frequency or sometimes for durability against environment(temperature, humidity, noise, etc).
    `Good sleep' could be translated like よいねむり(良い眠り), expresses of quality.
    よくやった could directly turns to good job, though.
    Every language has own difficulty.
    Ask me anything about Japanese language. ;)
  • lol.. hope its a good things.. well what to do.. i got extra hours .. better do something rather than nothing =) woke-up at 5.00 a.m before going to work at 6.20 a.m. T_T my workplace quite far away from home.. train start at 6.00 a.m
  • Fizzy, you looks to be addicted to EC... Take care ;)
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