To My Best Friend

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You are someone I treasure for your friendship is a gift. You are someone I turn to when my spirit needs a lift. You are someone who fills my virtual life with beauty joy and grace and makes my virtual world a better and happier place to live. Thank you for being there.

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  • Ooh, I know this song, Anele.  It's been a loooooong time since I last heard this.  We need to get together on Skype with Allen for some karaoke jamming. LOL!

  • Nice! :)

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  • Glad you like it, Robbie.  I love this song, too! 

  • It's great to see you back, Anele! I loved this song! It reminded me of my high school life with my true best friends. : ) Thank you for sharing this song to your best friend and to MyEC.

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