Yeats - Brown Penny (recited by Christopher Plummer)

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(full poem in description) "Brown Penny" a poem by William Butler Yeats , as recited by Christopher Plummer in the movie Must Love Dogs (2005). All rights re...Oh that we can love and have a love such as this... Christopher Plummer recites it with such eloquence and passion that once again Love is reborn anew!

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  • @ Onee-chan:  We are all looped in its loop and yet we want to remain so! What a mystery this love is!  Thanks for watching it! :)

    @ Keen Learner:  Thank you for liking Yeats, he is one of my favorite poets! :)

  • I am looped in the loops of her hair. O love is the crooked thing. There is no body wise enough to find out all that is in it

    I really like those parts. Thanks for sharing such a sweet poem, Alice. :))

  • @Evangelina, Mishaikh,Rahma,Samuel,Elena and Ratu...thanks for taking time to watch this short video! :)

  • Beautiful!

  • Thanks Alice

  • Thank you so much Alice.

  • Wonderful Alice, he is a very handsome man and has a very warm voice, he is so romantic!

  • Nice poem, love it

    Thanks alice

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