World Down Syndrome Day 2017 - PREVIEW - #MyVoiceMyCommunity

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PREVIEW - Down Syndrome International presents a global video journey promoting inclusion of people with Down syndrome. "My Voice, My Community" features vid...

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  • Hi 

    Thanks for sharing this great video with us.

    I also agree with Robbie.  

  • Estanis, thank you for sharing this with us.

  • Como esta senior Estanis? Esta es mi voz tambien. And this is mine too, my dear good friend. You are always unique and distinguished. Thanks for sharing!

  • Hi Estanis,

    Thanks for mentioning about this issue but what i know is that compared with those who have everything to be satisfied in life they are more aware of life's being precious enough not to hate each other.I wish every one of us could have such gifted hearts.

  • "God doesn’t give special kids to special parents. He takes ordinary, imperfect people, and gifts them with his greatest treasures. And therein he creates special parents"

    May god give, more strengthen and courageous to the parents to care them!

    Always stay more smile and pleasure with them!

  • People with down syndrome can be as creative, intelligent and loving as any ordinary people. I wish they would be given much voice as time goes on. Have a fantastic and enjoyable time to all who are celebrating this monumental event. 

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