wish you were here intro

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well atoz made me make a video , my camera sucks, my microphone is not working well and it was recorded in first try lol :D

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  • Well i'll see about that, the season is on a way to end, yesterday are lift broke and i don't think they are planning to do anything about it , and my knee is still injured . . . :) but we'll see
  • Hahah, yes your microphone is not working very well. I have to set all the speakers button here to its maximum :D :D Pleeeeeaasseeeee make a new video with another song!! I would love to hear it. Ummm.. do you take a song request? :D

    Anyway, Atoz made you to make this video huh? What if I ask you to make a video when you are doing snowboarding, will you do that? :D

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