Which Witch is Which

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Learn about Homophones on EnglishClub: https://www.englishclub.com/pronunciation/homophones.htm LYRICS Double double toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble (Shakespeare) Which witch is which? Gotta' be careful … which witch you pick... Hey baby, which witch is which? If a t’s in the middle, then a nose is gonna twitch Hey baby, which witch is which? Gotta' be careful … which witch you pick... Hey baby, which witch is which? If a t’s in the middle, then a nose is gonna twitch I had a bad dream, a scary nightmare I saw a wicked witch and I started to scream She had a black cat, a bat and a rat A broom and a pointed hat It was obscene... Yeah, Hey baby, Which witch is which? Gotta' be careful ... which witch you pick... Hey baby, which witch is which? If a t’s in the middle, then a nose is gonna twitch...  I said hey baby, which witch is which? You've gotta' be careful … which witch you pick... EnglishClub.com

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  • can any body tell me what is message inside the song.

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