What's the most annoying word?

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It was fun being part of this interview. What do you think my most annoying word is? Watch and find out.What's your most annoying word?

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  • In this video, the word that is the most annoying for me is "whatever" and it's exactly for the same reason that this woman mentioned.

    The most annoying english word for me is "HONEY". Because in the States, so many people use it to call you; in shops, "hello honey".... "what can i do for you today honey" and so on ...

    I know they use it in the good "sense" but i feel this word is not appropriated to call people you don't even know.

  • > you need in this life the planning and depending of allah</</body>
  • Skyandhill :( 

    I use that word a lot, it is my way to move on from one topic to another. When I use that word, it didn't mean that I want to end up a conversation.. :(


  • I hope you don't hear the word boring too often on MyEC! There is so much to see and do and create. If you have a webcam, you can join in the fun. Tell us your most annoying word!
  • Ah yea, agree with Halima. The word boring is also annoying. Especially when someone said it suddenly in the middle of a conversation, "Ah, this is boring". That will definitely kill people's mood to talk and ruin an on going conversation.


  • I hate "whatever" too for the same reason as she said...


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