What's the Best Title?

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Could someone tell me what's the language used in this clip, please? There's a meaningful message behind this video that's why I shared it here.What do you think is the best title for this video? Have your say on the comment section. Thanks!Zuhause mit den Liebsten ist es am schönsten. Gerade zu Weihnachten! Mehr unter: http://www.edeka.de/heimkommen Mit unserem Gewinnspiel kannst du dich noch m...

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  • @ Lady Noor

    I missed the times that people get connected through real conversations without mobile phones or any gadgets that distract the essence of being in touch with the person. In addition, I'm sure nobody wants to experience the sadness and hopelessness of getting old alone even if you have your own children. I hope this won't happen to us. Thanks a lot for your interesting comment!

    Have a fantastic week!

  • Hello there my dear sister, Mitran! I think the video speaks for itself. It's a bit weird but convincing in a way to get connected to our loved ones who at times forget to visit us or vice versa. I would agree with you that love binds the family especially in times of need.

    Many thanks for your comments! :)

  • It's LOVE.

  • it's touching but I don't understand :)

  • Hello, Adaline!

    You're right, there are so many distractions and obligations from work and family that some people aren't giving enough time for the elderly. I could imagine the loneliness and misery of senior citizens that are being abandoned by their children. Many, many thanks for your comment and for your suggestions.

    Stay safe,


  • Hola, Estanis!

    You're welcome! This video is getting viral on Facebook and I couldn't help sharing it here. I agree with you, everybody could relate to this clip. I've been taking care of my father for many years and I don't think I could work well far from him that's why I didn't accept job offers abroad.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this video. Your recommended title for this one is awesome!


  • Dear Robbie, It's a lovely video and very touching. Thanks for sharing.

    It is in German. Heimkommen means ' to get home' or ' to come home'.

    Most of the elderly parents living in a similar situation now. Although we all love our parents dearly, we couldn't give enough time.

    I can suggest few titles. -' Home alone'( although its for children), 'a lonesome Dad',  'detached' or 'reunion'

  • I guess it's German. It's really Touching and sad although I'm for these kind of advertising since they make people reconsider the relationship with our elders.
    It must be pretty painful simulating your own death to join together your family.
    Thanks Robbie for sharing with us.
    Opss.. the title, hmmm.. it could be 'A new chance' :)
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