Wedding Entrance: Video Challenge #3

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This is not a traditional entrance dance for a wedding ceremony. Perhaps these people will start a trend.Instructions: Watch the video and answer the wedding vocabulary questions. (Use the comments to leave your answers.)1. What is the name for this group of people?2. What is the name of the long hall they are dancing down?3. What do you call the man who is getting married?4. What do you call the women in the coloured dresses?5. Who is the last person to arrive and who "escorts" her to the "altar"?For answers check this vocabulary lesson:
How to Survive an English Wedding

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  • It's wonderful and funny of wedding ceremony. it has some funny moments and the groom took the bride to the alter. personally, I have never been to wedding like this before, but I really want to have a chance to participate in wedding ceremony. it seems like they had a lot of fun together with people. 

  • Great job Cisca!
  • It was creative and fun, I think it would be good if people start follow this way in their weeding ceremony to bring different atmosphere.

    1. The wedding party
    3.The Groom
    4. The maid of Honor
    5.The last person arrives is the Bride and The Groom took her to the altar
  • Nice wedding party, it is a new style ..good for innovation...Congratulations.....!
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