We're In This Together - Music Video by Catriona Gray for Young Focus Philippines

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This is Catriona Gray, our representative for this year's Miss Universe. One of her advocacy is child education as she clearly recorded this clip to show her passion and kindness to the youth especially to the less privilege.This was shot in a slump area in Manila. I'm hoping and praying for her victory this time.www.youngfocus.org Video by: Jolo Luarca III 2nd unit camera: Al Amin Photos and BTS: Niko Gonzales and Ria Brines Team Lead: Jojo Bragais

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  • Hello, Eva!

    It's indeed wonderful news! I'm very glad all of her hardwork have finally paid off. She's by far the best representative that my country has ever sent in any beauty competition. Thank you so much for your greetings!

    Have an awesome weekend ahead!


  • Hello, Olga!

    I'm still ecstatic over her performances in the competition. Thank goodness, victory was on her side! Thanks a lot for the greetings! She's going to New York now, but she'll be back in the Philippines by January...

    Have a terrific weekend ahead!


  • Hello Robbie,

    What do we say? Good people owns the victory :))


    I read the news, and AS O.M, I would also like to wish - CONGRATULATIONS - so many times, what lovely news.

    Hun er kåret som verdens smukkeste
    Læs mere her
  • Congratulations! She did it!! 

    She is the One!!3078209641?profile=original

  • Hi, Rosemary!

    I couldn't agree more. The first time I heard this, I had goosebumps. Oh my goodness, she's sent from above to brighten our world... or our universe he he...

    Thank you for commenting!

    See you around,


  • Hello, Olga!

    It's so nice to see your comment! The message and lyrics are so powerful and timely. A lot of children are not given the opportunity to study or enjoy life because of poverty. I hope her voice and dedication to her charitable works would be given much attention especially in the competition.

    Thank you for the lovely comment!


  • Hi, Eva!

    What I love about this woman is her sincerity in the way she speaks during interviews or even in sharing her views in current events. She's been involved in such charities even before she entered the local pageantry. Aside from that, she's a complete package and if she wins in the competition, she could be given much exposure to promote her advocacy. She is working so hard for the pageant though. 

    Thank you for the positive feedback about her video! Have a lovely midweek ahead!


  •   She has got a heavenly  voice :) 

  • Hello Robbie,

    Fingers crossed for her from her, What an absolutely great initiative.

    Thoughtful how people can find happiness in less. Great and beautiful video with lots of happy faces.

    Thank you for sharing it here :)

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