We all have a silly annoying friend like this...

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Sometimes you just want to relax on a log... but an annoying friend comes to ruin it all! :P

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  • Mary,  came here again on a purpose. Lol. No matter how bad the day starts...watching those your comments will clear the clouds of any storm. Gosh, adore it. It needed to be revealed to the page again.

    Laughing Babies GIF - Baby Toddler Laughing GIFs

  • Olga, thanks for sharing laughs :D

  • And Tam comments them xD

  • It's a metaphor. You say jokes and Roman spoils them. :D

  • Yeah Robbie, that's right too. 
    Nice to know this video 'made your day'!

    Tam, how dare you!? I'm not any turtle! ¬¬ 
    Thanks for dropping by and sharing some laughs! ;)

    Roman, yeah, you're pretty much like Sam XD 


    What a funny video! They are amazing! Just look at their tiny paws and cute faces!

    That John reminds me somebody! Somebody with judging eyes!

    And I like Sam! He is so energetic and curious! If I were a turtle, I would definitely be like Sam!

    Thank you, Mary! 

  • Hahaha. It's funny. If the left turtle is you, I think of who the right turtle is in the members of EC. :D

    • Spit Take GIF - Spit Take Laugh GIFs

      Yeah... Tam...one needs to know Roman Lol.

    • or both of them....let's not point to those who I speak about...

  • This made my day, Mary! I love the wittiness of the tortoises. I agree, friends' silliness could be annoying, but at the end of the day they can bring good memories that we cab cherish. 

    Have a lovely weekend!

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