Video challenge: Walk with moi :3

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...Thanks Roman! ;)

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  • Thanks AG, but these ducks weren't 'scared' as you said. They were mean and heartless little feathered monsters.

  • Maryyyyy :D 

    Happy to see you back now, and happier to walk with you under the snows :D

    you lady have the claws of a cat, and feeling strange for very little innocent ducks being scared around you :D OmG, even while seeing such a peaceful meeting of ducks, you were dreaming of their meat :S How awful of you :D 

    Happy to watch this video, seriously.. it's very amazing.. I wanna go there one day :)

  • Thanks Diah :)

  • Love this video Mary :)

  • Right Hayabusa. At night the mean ducks living there become predators! You wouldn't like to see how they can tear night runners into pieces in just few seconds...

  • :)

  • The duck meeting made my giggle! Haa..

  • xDDDDD

  • @Roman, i was just hoping some duck politeness :P

    Thanks for dropping by and for sharing your videos with ass us! :D

  • Hi Masha!!!

    So, you came to the ducks without any food and wanted them to show you their synchronized swimming like on Olympiad games? xD Who is clumsy here? :P

    Awww, the sunset! I like the sunsets! Especially in such lovely places!

    And thank you for showing your pretty feet! That is my idea - to show the feet while walking :D

    Ohhh, they are really mean!!! Share that duck with me! xD

    And how good to see that Spanish ducks speak on the same language with "Cuack" But I think it can be "Quack"

    Thank you very much for participation, Marietta! ;-)

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