Video Challenge: Walk With Me.

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Hello friends!This is me and MARY's new idea of the video challenge.Rules are very simple:1) Record a short video about you walking somewhere.2) Upload it to MyEC.The main purpose of this video challenge is: To see the part of the world, where you live, by your eyes.My video is about my climbing to the highest observing hill of my city "Vysokyj Zamok"You can talk or stay silent while recording your video.Don't forget to add "Video Challenge: Walk With Me" in the title of your video.And please post the links of your video-participation in comments to this my video.Thank you to all the participants!Good luck!The full version of this video with original speed, original sound and way back you can see here: before watching, please think twice, because it is more than 2x longer and contains my heavy breathing...

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