Video Challenge #5: Tom Brokaw Explains Canada To Americans

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For this challenge, let's create the transcript of this video together! I will write the first line from the video. The next person to watch it should write the second line (in the comments). The next person should write the third line...etc. You can come back and write another line, but please only write 1 line at a time so that many can participate. Please share this link with friends so that many members can participate!Line 1:This is the peace arch standing near the western most edge of the US Canadian border.

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  • Well, unfortunately this challenge has been ended due to a copyright issue I was unaware of. Someone must have posted the video to YouTube without permission. This is too bad as it was such a fun challenge. We'll try another one again soon. Does anyone want to start one?
  • Great effort M. Adaway! You deserve a gold too. "world class" "oh so cold"
    For Line 17-check "you also" and "under eject".
  • Dear Tara!
    (I hope,I won't edit this one on the same time with someone else,like yesterday.)
    Line 16:
    Canadians are so generous,they share with us their brithest stars and music,comedy,acting,sports and journalism.
  • M. Adaway Great! Check these words and try to correct them: "broad", "fringing forms" "also cold"

    Monika: Check Nafis's comment below yours. She got the right words there. Snag is a town in the Yukon. "Wind chill" is the extra feeling of cold you feel when it's windy. For example the real temperature may be 0 degrees but with the wind chill it feels like -10.

    I love the work you are all doing here. It's so great! Okay, let's move onto Line 16 at 2:35.
  • Line 15:
    Hi Tara!I'm sorry,but I don't understand these two underlined words:

    The coldest year ever recorded in North America occured in 1947,in snagged Yukon,minus 81 degrees,not including windshield.
  • Line 15: The coldest air ever recorded in North America occured in 1947 in Snag, Yukon, -81 degree, not including wind chill.

    Thanks and have a terrific time,
  • Great Monika! Just one tiny typo: "split into"
    Okay we're at 2:06. Who's next?
  • Line 13:
    In a snapshot,Canada is a huge country,second largest in the world,next to Russia,but its population is only about tenth of the size of the United States,34 million,split in the 10 provinces and 3 territories.
  • Comment by Monika Pirkó 1 second ago
    Delete Comment Thank you Tara and Nafis,for correcting me!
    I've just droped in,so I missed it.
    For Nafis it isn't:our two nations?for line 9.
  • Nafis: "Our two nations". And freight should be "two-way trade" . Great try.

    Okay to make sure we are all at the same part I'll write Line 12: " Canada, some may be surprised to learn, is America's largest oil supplier and the United States is Canada's #1 tourist destination."

    The next person should start Line 13 (starts at 1:49 in the video).
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