two things at a time (1)

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What is that guy doing?

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  • Thanks, Winnie for pressing the like button. 

  • Danyavaad SNR! Either this way or that, these mobile phones are giving us curses or disasters. It became an epidemic. In my opinion, you should laugh at that guy. By the way, I hope to be one of your friends, may I? Once more, thanks for your thoughtful comment.

  • Iphgaristo Anastasia! We have one heart in our chest. How can we do two things at a time? It is insane I guess. These cellphones are driving us crazy. Thanks, Ana for your nice comment. 

  • Hi dara,

    The only thing I can say after watching this video is at least he tasted the soil :P which he would never dare to eat without his mobile phone. :P

    Don't know whether to laugh at or pity this. 

  •    I think that the man had to  choose between the two things. First enjoy his food and then  communicate with friends or relatives.

  • Vanakkam mod. Nadira! That man was really absorbed in that device. Thanks for your comment. 

  • multitasking makes  life  easier :)

  • Thanks Ocean! I face the same problem. It might be very simple,  but I am not good with computers. Try another application, it could work. 

  • Problem playing vid. Here despite flash player is the last updated one. any idea !!!

  • Shookran ya Ahmed Jaber! By the way, you can do one thing at one time, but to do more than two things is something not that easy. How about the Jazz drummer? 

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