Lol...! I like your sense of humour very much. The singer is truly a talented lady.
By the way, you would be surprised to hear that I could mimic the first version from her several variant forms of the song, 'Twinkle Twinkle Litttle Star'. Because that is my mother tongue, Tamil ;-)
Okay, sing with me Stephen: 'Twinkalu Twinkalu Littlelu Starru! Howai wonderuu whattuju aarrru!"
@ Rajesh
Thank you, bro! You made me piss myself laughing by posting this video!
Bro, try downloading direct from YouTube.
Let me know if it doesn't work. Thanks, and LOL. do record your Pakistani version if you can. :D
She is our funniest aunt. :P :D
haha... I still can not stop laughing right now. Yes she is very talented indeed.
"dwingkele dwingkele littele starru! Howaai wonderree wattyuarreee.."
@ Stephen A
Lol... why did you delete your version of the song? In fact, I liked it :-)
@ Stephen A
Lol...! I like your sense of humour very much. The singer is truly a talented lady.
By the way, you would be surprised to hear that I could mimic the first version from her several variant forms of the song, 'Twinkle Twinkle Litttle Star'. Because that is my mother tongue, Tamil ;-)
Okay, sing with me Stephen: 'Twinkalu Twinkalu Littlelu Starru! Howai wonderuu whattuju aarrru!"
@ Rajesh
Thank you, bro! You made me piss myself laughing by posting this video!
lol !
Just now I can understand about your childhood... hahaha.. you must have dreamed about nightmare, haven't you? ..LOL... poor you kid! :D:D