Top Tip for Communicating Internationally

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Come back in time with us and let us give you my top tip for communicating internationally. Back in the 1980s computer scientists were creating the world wid...

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  • Hi Vicki!

    Yes, it is a really wise advice! :)

    And recently I noticed one thing. For me it is easier to listen to the people, when they talk in English, than to talk in English with them. But only if they talk clearly and don't omit some letters, for example like this:

    When they say it clearly, it is: How about that?

    And when they say it very fast and quiet, it sounds like: Habade?

    But even in that case, if I want to be conservative, while talking, I notice that sometimes, when I become excited or emotional, or when I have to say something immediately, I just forget about everything and make silly mistakes. I mean those mistakes, that I realize how to say it correctly, but only after making them.

    My top tip is about the communication through the phone or the other online programs:

    Make sure, that you have a good and stable internet connection :D

    I like the way you both explain all the things in your videos!

    But in my opinion, this time Jay was more convincing during the time travel to 80s :D

    I like his facial expression at that moment! :D

    And that is a good idea to go "back to the future" by Dellorian!

    Thank you for sharing!

  • I wish every native English speak the way you and Jay do :D

    "be conservative in what you send and liberal in what you accept" what a wise tip! I like it and totally agree.

    Congratulations on your very good work Vicki, I admire you. Thank you!

  • That was a gorgeous 80's get up, Vicki! I love the last part. I wish we could go back in the past and relive happy memories. Your tip is quite helpful. Netizens should always use the Internet for the betterment of themselves and share useful and informative ideas rather than attacking other people because of their different beliefs and cultural backgrounds. 

    Kudos to both of you for coming up an excellent video! :)

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