Top 10 Rock Intros

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00:00 - Welcome to the jungle (Guns n' Roses) 00:32 - Highway to hell (AC/DC) 00:57 - Smoke on the water (Deep Purple) 01:29 - Back in Black (AC/DC) 01:51 - ...

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  • It's awesome !!!

    The Intros played are well recognized.

    Good job Marcos Mendes. You are on track.

  • Great! I knew all the songs. How about Van Halen?

  • They burned down the gambling house. It died with an awful sound. Smoke on the water, fire in the sky.
    Obrigado Marcos Mendes! Those were lovely words. My wife used to like that song by Deep Purple. She used to like Ian Gilan and that guitarist, I forgot his name, maybe, it was John Morse or Steve Morse, I cannot be sure. Marcos is it possible to be one of your friends? Thanks for sharing.
  • i want to special request - radiohead song Creep  (^_^)v

  • Thank you so much!

  • Wow! What a great selection of hits you have there, Marcos! Eye of the Tiger, Black or White and Wonderful Tonight sound fantastic. Thank you for sharing your talent to us.

    Keep rockin'! 

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