This is Mindanao

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Miss Universe 2018, Catriona Gray showcases the beauty and culture of the Southern part of the Philippines, the Mindanao.I hope throughout her reign she will promote different and diverse cultures of the world.

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  • Hi, Dara!

    Thanks a lot for your comment! I'm glad you liked her video presentation. She's an inspiration to many Filipinos especially to the younger generation. Because of her effort to showcase different traditional costumes and symbols of the Philippines, many youngsters are also inspired to know more of them.

    Have a great weekend!


  • Hello, Rose!

    Thank you so much for commenting! I love how Catriona is embracing and learning the Filipino traditions as well as making a huge effort to promote it internationally. Even if she has Scottish blood and a half-Australian, she's more a Filipina in her manners and upbringing.

    Have a fabulous weekend!


  • Talaga maganda mod. Robbie! I enjoyed it, thanks mod. Robbie for sharing.

  • Wowwwww!!!! Just stunning!

    Thanks for sharing it with us, Robbie.

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