The White House

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My first visit to Washington D.C.

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  • Tara, thanks for the feeling that we ourselves are standing near the fence and looking at the White House. It seems you had wonderful vacation! It would be interesting to learn your impressions about visiting Washington D.C.

  • Ha! I wish I had gone to London. I think the Vancouver Olympics were a once in a lifetime opportunity! Two of my good friends were at the London Olympics, though. I've been following their journey!

  • Awesome! Welcome back, Tara! Thank you for sharing this video. I thought you were in London watching the Olympic games. Lol! : )

  • Dear Tara, thanks a lot for the video and it's great to see your face! So gorgeous!

  • The obelisk at the last seconds, we have a very similar one in Istanbul, too! hehe...

    Welcome back dear Tara!

  • Welcome back, Tara! You may have no idea how we missed you during your absence. I'm so glad you're back!

  • Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you were enjoying your vacation. Tell us a little more about your trip to the capital!

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