The Weather Song

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Learn about Weather on EnglishClub: LYRICS How’s the weather doin’ baby? Is there thunder and lightning in your heart? Is it raining cats and dogs? Are stormy seas gonna’ keep us apart? So what’s the temperature today baby? What’s the outlook on your weather chart? One minute you’re sunny, then you’re rainy Then you’re cloudy n’ windy Then you’re snowy and icy Blowing hot and cold again It’s warm, it’s hot, it’s boiling It’s chilly, it’s cold, it’s freezing - How’s the weather doin’ baby? Is there thunder and lightning in your heart? Is it raining cats and dogs? Are stormy seas gonna’ keep us apart? So what’s the temperature today baby? What’s the outlook on your weather chart? One minute you’re sunny, then you’re rainy Then you’re cloudy n’ windy Then you’re snowy and icy Blowing hot and cold again It’s warm, it’s hot, it’s boiling It’s chilly, it’s cold, it’s freezing - Zero degrees Celsius. Nothing but hailstones…

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