The Rules of the Childhood: The Fallen Tree

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For kids forest is a place full of challenges and trials! Or not only for the kids...And this is a link to the video in YouTube: I am sorry for the bad quality of the video.

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  • Onee,

    If it is better for you, than okay.

  • I've said before, Rom. You're cool, I'm not. ;)

  • Mary,

    Okay, I will leave the trees alone. But only after recording one of my next videos. I will use a tree instead of somebody to hold my phone camera. :P

    Ehm, I don't know... It was not me. And it was not fall at all, I just slipped a bit while jumping down! :/

  • Onee,

    Then it means I am cooler than you! :D

    And I guess my fallen tree is not much bigger than gallon in diameter.

  • Btw, where is the part of the video when you fall like a fatty apple from a tree? 

  • Roman, don't want to become a squirrel for real... leave the trees alone ¬¬


  • Roman, let me think about it. Thank youuuu..... :D

    Actually, I'd like to try the same as you do in this video. ^^

    I now remember, I last time did that. But, the felled tree was bigger than the diameter of gallon and it's only on the ground. :D Not too challenging. 

  • Onee,

    Then if you get a chance to do that, don't waste it :D

  • I can't remember exactly, Roman. :(

    Maybe yes, maybe no. I just remember I liked playing and running at the rice-field in my childhood. :)

  • Onee,

    Have you ever been climbing the trees like that?

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