The Prefix Anti-: Grow Your Vocabulary With Simple English Videos

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Learn about the English prefix anti-. Explore words like anticlockwise, anti-war, antispetic and understand the three meanings that commonly come with this p...

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  • Dear Teacher Vicki and Teacher Jay,

    How are you there? Hope you're pretty well. ^_^ 

    What a super video you've always made. To be honest, I'm anti-smoking. I will also avoid the smokers in radius 10 meters at least. :D

    Thank you so much for the useful video. Have a lovely week! ^_^

  • Ha! We love both British and American English too, Robbie!

  • I'm so glad you didn't bring up the issue whether we should be anti-US or anti-British English! I love both varieties! Thank you for this video lesson, Teacher Vicki! :)

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