The Power of a Mind to Map: Tony Buzan at TEDxSquareMile

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In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TED...

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  • I believe that human brain is one of the most wonderful evolutionary production of nature. This small organ is resided inside the skull with a good protection coverage designed by nature.  The brain of all humans fundamentally works in the same way, so it is a good fact for us to think intelligently that all humans on the planet have the same root. So, why should we try to think differently based on race, religion, caste, creed and so forth? These issues are baseless. These issues make us narrow-minded; in this knowledge era, we all must be broad minded. We all have to think of the future of our planet! We all have to think of the future of all species on the planet! Our planet is a huge network; you and I are tiny points of this network, but every unit of the network is so crucial for the wellbeing of mega system. Can’t we jump into a different thinking path? PEOPLE means PEOPLE!

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