The Out-of-Shape Blues

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Learn more sports vocabulary on LYRICS: I’ve got the out-of-shape blues I’ve been eating too many junk foods My body can’t handle all this abuse But there’s too many options from which to choose Healthy eating, sport and regular exercise Will certainly help to get me galvanized I need to get in shape right away If I want to live to see another day I’m gonna take up baseball and hockey, tennis and golf Soccer or football, cricket and volleyball Boxing and wrestling, swimming and jogging too But definitely not gymnastics; I’d really look the fool I’ll try ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding When the snow starts to fall... And when it rains I’ll stay inside and play squash, badminton and basketball I’ve got the out-of-shape blues I guess it’s the gym I really need to use... I’m gonna take up baseball and hockey, tennis and golf Soccer or football, cricket and volleyball Boxing and wrestling, swimming and jogging too But definitely not gymnastics; I’d really look the fool I’ll try ice-skating, skiing and snowboarding When the snow starts to fall... And when it rains I’ll stay inside and play squash, badminton and basketball I’ve got the out-of-shape blues I guess it’s the gym I really need to use... Oh yeah, now I feel good!

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