The natural way to use much, many, a lot of and lots of

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Join us for a tour of our deck and see where we'll be watching the fireworks this July 4th. You'll also learn how we use much, many, a lot of and lots with c...

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  • Hello everyone. So glad you liked this video and thank you all so much for writing to tell me. I loved hearing about your gardens too.

  • Thank you, Robbie! :)

    Yeah, I will!

    And I wish you to be able to spend at least 10-15 minutes to learn English grammar every day! :)

  • @ Roman

    You'll get used to it as long as you bear in mind the simple rule of 'a lot of' and 'lots of' in making sentences, which our dear teacher explained here. Since their meaning is the same, we shouldn't worry about it too much. I hope you will always have lots of time studying English grammar! :)

  • Hi Vicki and Jay!

    It wasn't too much :)

    Unfortunately I don't have a deck, neither in the city, nor in the village house.

    But I would definitely like to have it :)

    And I have a garden in the village. It is my mom's garden. And although it is not a big garden, many flowers grow there. And a lot of flowers bloom there in a period from the early Spring till the Autumn.

    It was confusing for me, when to use a lot of, because of that "lots". I thought, we have to use "a lot of" with a singular and "lots of" with a plural :)

    Thank you very much!

    Happy belated fourth of July!

  • Oh, this video isn't too much, in fact I gained a lot of ideas from this video. I love gardens, but I don't have much room so I keep lots of my plants in containers. Speaking of gardens, it's interesting in the UK, a lot of your gardens there are as huge as parks!

    Happy July 4th! Wishing a safe and enjoyable holiday there in the United States! :)

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