The most common and important sound in English!

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What is the most common sound in English? What is the most important sound in English? What sound can be found in almost all English words with more than one syllable? Well, just watch the video for the answers!

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  • Hi Melissa!

    I’m very happy that you liked the video. Thank you for taking the time to watch. I hope now you’ve got some rough idea about this sound that gives the spoken words a distinguishing feature. See you around!


    ~* GS *~



  • Hello Maimun!

    I’m glad you dropped by. Thanks a lot! Well, I learned from your profile that you’ve just joined the club. Welcome to MyEC, Maimun. Hope you’ll make use of the readily available resources at the Club to your advantage. Happy learning and have fun!    


  • 3078142341?profile=original





    Hello Olasabra!

    Nice to see you here. I trust you’ve learned a small but notable element that makes the English speech distint. Just for the info, I’ve a selection of similar pronunciation related  videos for future postings. So, please watch for this space. Thank you! Bye for now my friend!


    ~* GS *~

  • 3078142320?profile=original

    Hello Teacher, Nadiyah! 

    I must thank you for watching this video and “phonemic chart” the other day! Can I make a suggestion? Drop into my “video gallery” for more interesting videos: three different pronunciation of the ending ‘ed’ of irregular verbs, the pronunciation of a long list of irregular verbs, etc.

    I’m pretty sure they’ll come in very handy as teaching aids in a classroom. Have fun!

    Best Regards,

    ~* GS *~

  • 3078142263?profile=original




    Hello Mitran!

    It’s obvious that you’ve watched almost all my videos. I’m quite happy about your enthusiasm to take your command of English to the next level. Keep pushing the envelope will surely pay dividends in the end. Wish you good luck, my friend! Cheers!!

    ~* GS *~

  • 3078142179?profile=original





    Hi MCan!

    Thank you for watching the video. Basically, the words we utter are made up of small units of speech sounds that are known as “phonemes”. Schwa /ə/ is one of them; it's very common and important as you heard. There are a total of 44 such phonemes and it’s worth learning them if one really wants to improve his/her pronunciation.

    By the way, did you watch my other videos? I’m sure you’ll like them! Bye!!

    ~* GS *~

  • Dear Mr Josef,

    I was dumbfounded seeing your appreciative comments. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, Sir! May God bless you and the entire team for your selfless service to the non-native speakers of English worldwide.

    Warm regards,

    ~* GS *~  

  • Hi Galina,

    You never fail to bring life to all the videos I embed here! Your attitude of making the most of the resource is exemplary and you do yourself proud.

    As you know, I lay great stress on learning phonetic symbols and transcription – the key to correct pronunciation. We are blessed with the Internet and enjoying ourselves into the bargain, as a matter of fact. Hopefully, I could get more such videos on the Net. See you around!


    ~* GS *~

  • Well done Gabriel for finding this. The schwa sound is indeed one of the secrets of speaking English :)

  • Gabriel, thanks a lot for such a pleasant Daily Dose of English! It's great to learn phonetics in such way: to see the transcription and to enjoy correct beautiful pronunciation. I think you do a great work helping all us  master  English. You're right, phonetics plays a very important part while learning a foreign language, espcially English, where we write the word in a different way than we pronounce it. Thanks for your creative pleasant lessons ( you try to do some miracles for us!).

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