The Hedgehog in the Frog, directed by Y. Norshteyn. Russia.

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It's considered the one of the best animated films of all time.

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  • Hello,yoh,
    You're absolutely right!There are no bad or good animals. They are all part of Nature as we are, people- even crocodiles, rats and unloved by people hyenas, by the way , quite nice and clever animals. Thanks for your opinion that is always interesting to read. You've even noticed the hypocrisy of some Disney cartoons-it's really true.
  • Hi, dear Inga,
    Thanks for being interested in changes that take place on my page. "Let's be like kids!"- somebody used to say... No need trying to be as much as we can, it's inside of most of us, maybe, all of us. Thanks for good words!
  • I have just watched this on Youtube a couple of days ago and liked it. I really like how animals are presented in Russian stories. Like this anime and the stories which Rosenmaiden has posted, the animals behave naturally - not being judged as good or bad. Sometimes I feel some kind of hypocrisy in Disney animes, where some animals are heroes and others are fundamental evil. You know, hyenas have love for their kids and don't kill other animals by ill intention.
    Anyways, thank you for posting the masterpiece.
  • Hello, dear Natasha!
    Thank you very much for "The Hedgehog..."! I watched this cartoon in my childhood. And I have watched it with great interest this time. This film shows us, that we all are children and we explore the world like kids. Thank you!
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