The goat! Special edition

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One of the last videos of my goat!

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  • But to be honest, the goat is stuborn and what happened 5 minutes before that video was recorded: We were going to the forest but suddenly she felt the smell of rotten apples, being throwed in the cave near the forest. I have spend 3-4 minutes to make her leave these rotten dirty apples, but it was useless. So i  just walk inside the forest and wait... I knew that she will follow because of two feelings: 1) She is afraid of being ALONE. 2) She feels guilty because she made me wait so long time:)

  • ROOOOOOOFL!!! MARY, Uahahahah. I have just listened that your melody:) Do you know, that someone here is GENIUS? I can't believe, how funny it is:) Thank you very muuuuuch!

  • I will tell you something about this goat later, from notebook:)
  • awww... how cute to see the goat approaching from the distance. It would be cool if you add this melody to your video:

    Anyway, it's cute when she stops at your spot. It's like she's saying 'Hey Roman! What are you doing here?? Again lost in the forest?' :D

  • Sorry, Onee-chan, i haven't the goat anymore...
  • Send me 'fresh goat milk', Roman. :(

  • Onee-chan, it is big difference between real "fresh" milk and powdered, so you should taste real milk:)
  • Roman....I've just bought goat milk, in the form of powder. lol....

    I got my friend to taste it. :D She said she would prefer cow milk. :(

    Don't worry :D I'll try myself tomorrow. Today, I have stomach problem.. I'm afraid something happen in early morning if I drink it now. :p

    The smell of goat is something I'm afraid of... :D 

    Cute goat! ^^

  • Robbie, it is female goat:) we have hust sold it...
  • You have a tamed goat, Roman! What happened to him? I hope you didn't eat him he he... Did you? :P

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