The Devastated Stadium

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The devastated stadium in 5 minutes of walk near my home.

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  • Onee-chan, you are right, as Rosemary is:)
  • Rosemary, you're right, and it is being used to play football by some kid's teams. But nobody is going to restore it in near future...
  • I agree with Rosemary. :)

  • :)Muskan, I have heard some noise but i thought it is only wind...

  • Finally I am using my laptop and able to see it xD so it is not one of those that I guessed it is dilapidated lol trust me I saw graves of ruined seats and a ghosty shadow wandering in shorts lol

  • )))I will try to say something next time, Robbie! Well, no, it is devastated by the human's carelessness and corruption:)

  • Nice share, Roman! You could say something in English while filming. Don't be shy he he... Anyway, I'm curious why you mentioned the stadium as devastated. Was it being destroyed during the war?

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