The Cat and Pumpkin

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Our pumpkin climbed the tree (quince) and we have no idea how and what to do with it... And also as i said before, some cats always want to get on my shoulders... :)

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  • Thank you, KITTY! Hehe:) Like in fairy tale. I wish this dream come true:) Thank you!

    Pumpkin will be a splendid carriage by miracle. You will ride on it to the palace. What will happen then? let me guest. Ah!!! you will pick up a pretty princess back home. How so romantic is! you are so lucky boy that those pumpkin belong to you. Do you realize that who is your angel? she is get on your shoulder.

  • :) Thank you, Rosemary! Wow! I appreciate that you spent your time to open the laptop) Especially because i know that you are ALWAYS from phone:) Thank you!

  •         I do really  like those  pumpkins  on the branches  :) they look strange  and wonderful  in the same time . I have opened  my laptop  to see them , coz I can't do it using my cell phone 

  • They don't grew on trees... It is just mistake. I didn't think that it climb the tree... Thank you! Hmm i think it is good idea. You should post that comprtition.
  • Roman,

    Halloween is always on the 31st October.

    This is a little bit erhm, now so wise, but I didn't knew pumpkins grew on trees, I thought they grew on small bushes.

    Maybe we should have a photo challenge: The most creatively decorated pumpkin :)
  • :) Please tell me the date of Halloween, Evangelina.

  • Soon it is time for Halloween... I think, decorating pumpkins :)
  • You are right! Even if it fell down and break to pieces, i still would be able too cook it:) But i think i will just use my ladder to bring it down.
  • It would be a waste if those pumpkins fall down. But I'm sure you could still use them for cooking or baking.

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