The Brain Dictionary

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Where exactly are the words in your head? Scientists have created an interactive map showing which brain areas respond to hearing different words. Mindboggling!

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  • I wonder how brain reacts when someone has to “manage” two, three of more languages at the same time

  • Our brain, our mind is something very very precious and powerful!

  • I don't understand why some people are better at the choice of words or at figures than others.
  • I've watched this few days ago... it's impressive! I always thought that everything related with the language function was just in a specific area of the brain, but it seems this is wrong. Language spreads throughout the brain!
    I'm sure there are still so many things to discover about how our brain works...

  • Yes Dara. Seems to be something like that. But the implication is that it's the same location in different languages.
  • In other words, the brain is like a sea of words. You have to fish in certain areas to get your word according to its location there.
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