The BEST Way for YOU to Learn English - Extrovert or Introvert?

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All rights reserved to Teacher Jade and Are you learning English in a way that suits your personality and makes you an effective learner? When you learn in a way that fits your personality, you will enjoy your studies more and progress faster.Find out the different ways introverts and extroverts like to learn. If you don't know if you're an introvert or extrovert, and what that means exactly -- I explain all you need to know.Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

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  • Thank's Jade! This is very useful informations. I believe I'm an extrovert. Mingle and interaction with different kind of people are totally helpful. Just based on my own experience. I've learned english and still learning through this way. 

  • i'm an introvert with no doubt. it was a good video.
  • Thank you for watching Teacher Jade's video, Sette! It's really interesting to learn English with the aid of our dedicated teachers..... :)

  • You're welcome, Roshan! : )

  • I think i am an introvert while speaking English.

    Sometime i am an extrovert while speaking my native language.

    Thank you very much for adding this video.

  • Thank you for watching this video, Ehab! Take care! : )

  • Thank you for watching Teacher Jade's video, Nawa! I'm glad you found it useful! : )

  • well-done Robbe 

    I think I'm extrovert 

    thank you my friend 

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