The Barber of Siberia - Maslenitsa - Butter Week (English Version)

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We've been celebrating Maslenitsa this week in Russia! It's the holiday that lasts for a week to say "Goodbye!" to winter and also it’s a special week before the Great Lent according to Orthodox Church. Every day of Maslenitsa is devoted to special rituals. Maslenitsa is our Russian carnival. It’s very colourful and cheerful and people have a lot of fun. The main food is bliny (Russian pancakes).On the last day of Maslenitsa there’s a solemn burning of the stuffed figure of winter.The last day of the week –Sunday is called ‘forgiveness Sunday’. On that day people ask each other for forgiveness for all grievances and troubles.This is the extract from a very popular Russian film ‘The Barber of Siberia’ (the film is set in the 19th century), where we can see the scene of Maslenitsa celebration. The day is Thursday – revelry – the climax of games and fun. In the past it was then that the hottest fistfights took place (we can see the example of it in the film).The main character Jane Callahan (Julia Ormond), a beautiful American lady arrives in Russia. The scene describes her visit of Maslenitsa fair together with the powerful General Radlov.

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  • Hiii, Robbie!

    So happy to hear from you! You're right, the festival is hilarious. It's one of my favourites. As for the fistfights, in the past there're very common but now they're not so popular, though take place from time to time.

    Another popular activity is climbing the pole to get a prize which is on the very top of it. Watching it is a real fun!

  • What an entertaining festival! I bet the participants got tired of fighting each other that's why they chose to include games. Thank you for sharing this festival. I hope you'll enjoy it, Teacher Galina! Take care! :)

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