Tehran Night out

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The Streets of Tehran at Night . This video is about Tehran city, the capital of the IRAN . Riding through the city ar night. Unfortunately, it isn't possibl...

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  • Halet chetore Bahman, I commented before. Nice video and you are giving more beauty by your slim and nice movements.

  • thank you so much guys for your support.

  • Unfortunately we did not have any helmets :(

    I don not think it is illegal, as i see a lot of people riding motorcycles without helmets.

  • Bahman, I agree with Robbie. Where's your helmet? Is it really safe there? :D

    Cool view.. :)
  • Thank you for touring us in your lovely city, Bahman! You guys aren't wearing helmets while riding the motorbike. I would assume it's legal there. 

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