Taylor Swift - …Ready For It?

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Taylor Swift always gives her best creativity skills whenever she makes a music video. I think she'd still be as awesome as a superhero even if she didn't wear that controversial bodysuit.Pre-order Taylor Swift’s new album, reputation, including “…Ready For It?,” here: http://smarturl.it/reputationTS http://vevo.ly/wO7d6X Best of Taylor Swift ...

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  • Glad to hear that, Roman! Whenever she successfully belts out a high note in live performances, it's like slaps to the faces of her haters, who bully her that she can't sing. :)

  • Yes, Robbie! And I would like to listen her songs where she reveals all the power of her voice:)

  • Thank you for your comment, Roman! She can definitely sing, no doubt about it. :)

  • I can't say that I like this song, but her voice is good and she know how to sing!
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