Taylor Swift - Look What You Made Me Do

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The pop music icon is back, way even smarter and stronger!Pre-order Taylor Swift’s new album, reputation, including “Look What You Made Me Do,” here: http://smarturl.it/reputationTS http://vevo.ly/MOlgkR

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  • No worries, Roman! :)

  • Hi, Robbie! No, i just said that this song didn't came into my mind and my heart, like some other songs do:) Song is good and also clip is good too. I don't even know what i lack in this song :)

  • Maraming salamat mod. Robbie for the explanation. But I used to like Christy Mendoza and Imelda  Papin a lot. Thanks again.

  • Thank you for commenting, Roman! But why he he... Is it because this is a hate song? Honestly, I loved her country songs because of the tune and the beats. I'm a fan of country music. Nevertheless, I'll still support her future albums. :)

  • Hi, Robbie! I like some her songs, but not this one:)
  • Thank you, Dara! I love Taylor! And I admire artists who know how to reinvent themselves through the talents they've got. They may not have the perfect voice, but they can highlight their other great skills to stand out. Taylor Swift is definitely one of them! :)

  • Maganda mod Robbie. I used to like Emelda Papin. It seems that you admire her a lot. Thanks for sharing
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