Sympathetic and Nice: Learn English with Simple English Videos

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Big thanks go to Fluency MC for appearing in this video. Check out more of his work here: You can see this video with...

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  • thank you so much

  • Thank you very much for the detailed explanation, Teacher Vicky! I finally understood its meaning. As an English learner, we should use it with caution as to not offend the people we're talking to. :)

  • Hi Robbie! Great question!

    You're right that humour can take the sting out of a lot of negative phrases, but actually that's not what's happening here. 'That stinks' is generally used in informal situations, and it's meaning is negative or positive depending on what you're referring to. If you gave me a gift, made a presentation, or asked me what I thought of your new car and I said 'That stinks', it would be very rude and negative. But if you told me about something bad that happened to you like getting a parking ticket, missing a train, or your favourite sports team losing, 'That stinks' would be polite and positive because I would be showing sympathy towards you.

  • The phrase "That stinks" sounds a negative response, isn't it? Or do we have to say it (and other related phrases) with humour? :)

  • It's awesome. :)

  • So glad you like it @Onee-chan. Thanks for writing!

  • The video is very nice and so sweet, Mrs.Vicky. Thank you for sharing. I like it. ^^

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