Sweet Dreams

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My pet Toffee. He will remain in my heart forever.Born: March 1, 2009

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  • Robbie, yes, I so think that my Toffee is with HIM now. He is a very smart pet and I don't want to think that he helped me in that way. I just so wished he had stayed a little longer. I miss him. :(

    Thanks Robbie for your remark about my video. I am also giving credit to Toffee. I just gathered his pictures together and I enjoyed doing it for him.

  • Max, what you've said are all true. And also, it made me realized that it's easier to accept a missing pet than a dying pet. He is a good pet. I love him so much and I really so wish I could get him back. :(

    Max, I know how busy you are. Thanks for stopping by.

  • You're welcome, Lynne! I'm glad to see your video. I'm sure you took a lot of effort to prepare this video and made it presentable on MyEC! Thumbs up! Is it true that Toffee is not with you anymore? : (

  • Thanks Lucy for your remark.... I am featuring one dog only on that video... I just groomed him maybe that's why you thought there are a lot of them.

    About coffee, I love coffee too... I won't end my day without a cup of coffee...

    Thanks for stopping by Lucy.

    Have a nice day!


    -a friend-

  • Your dogs are very cute, you can see that you love so much.
    When I saw the title of this blog, I thought you were talking about a delicious cup of coffee you prepare, lol
    I love coffee, anytime. lol

  • Thanks for your comment Robbie. It's a Pomeranian.

    Please visit my page, "Sweet Dreams" in our Recreation Group, OK?

    I am so happy I could see the video now... It took a long time for me to upload that... I guess, I waited for 2-3 hours. Thanks that you have approved this video, Robbie.. (kuya) ... :)

    Have a nice day!


  • Oh my goodness! You have a very cuuuuute pet, Lynne! Thank you for sharing your photos. What breed is it? : )

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