Sugarland - Babe ft. Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift is having the Red vibes on this collaboration with Sugarland...Music video by Sugarland performing Babe. © 2018 UMG Recordings, Inc.

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  • Thank you, Robbie!

    I haven't watched this movie. But the trailer looks interesting.

    It depends on what age toddler is :)

  • You're welcome, Roman! The actor's name is Brandon Routh who played as Clark Kent/Superman more than a decade ago. Here's a video.

    I bet you were a toddler then when this movie was released he he. 


  • Thank you, Robbie!

    Have a classy weekend! :)

  • Waow! Former Superman! Do you mean the actor, who have once played a Superman?

  • Hello, Roman!

    I couldn't agree more. Infidelity always ruins a relationship. I was excited by this video because it has a country tune in it and quite related to Taylor's 'Red' album. I like her vintage look even though she was wearing a wig. Besides that, I was able to know a singer by the name of Jennifer Nettles and her band. The former Superman is their leading man here he he.

    Thanks a lot for the comment and have a terrific weekend ahead!


  • Waow!

    The song is nice! 

    But I like the video even more!

    He deserves neither his wife, nor another woman (I guess, his secretary)!

    Thank you for sharing, Robbie!

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