Sudanese dance

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Some people know how to dance. It is not just a matter of shaking your body. It is more than that. 

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  •  Here is one of the proofs of how colorful and interesting the world can actually be. It is part of the culture of the Sudanese people. Very interesting but in a good way. Thanks for sharing.

    • Rica ederim ulug! You are a good and smart man. I hope you improve your skills quickly here with us. Don't forget to watch our Sudanese dance. I shall send you the link. I am sure you will like it.

    • I think the same for you. Yes, I watched my friend and I liked it. I found it very colorful and authentic. It was interesting. From time to time, I followed the resources related to Sudan. It is another fact that we also have historical and cultural ties. And I really hope Sudan gets the peace it deserves.

    • teskur ederim Ulug ! That was a good wish. thanks again.

    • Giunaidin va nasilsin Ulug? It's early dawn here, I shall reply later. Thanks anyway. 


    I hope people of Sudan and other countries of the world are always happy.

    • Mumnoon Saba! That was a great wish. You have a big heart. Sorry, for the late reply. 

  • Kind of a religious dance dara. Nice. In religious dance, body movements has its meanings. Can you tell me the meaning of their body movements?

    • Oh dioys ko, Glosky! No, I cannot. Lol! It is very hard for me to know that. Thanks for your nice comment. 

  • Nice 

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