Sports and the verbs 'play' 'go' and 'do': Learn English with Simple English Videos

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Learn the verbs we use with different activities, along with the English names of lots of sports in this video. Big thanks to Rachel of Rachel's English for ...

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  • Hello, Teacher Vicki!

    Here's my blog about paddle boarding. Your reply gave me the idea to come up with a blog which I enthusiastically prepared for the benefit of my fellow English learners.


    Robbie :)

  • Teacher Vicki,

    This one is precious. I sometimes doubt whether I should use DO or GO.

    My example: I want to go shopping but my nephew invites me to play toy cars. I cancel my plan and play with him, while his mother (my sister) do cooking in the kitchen.

    Please tell me if there any wrong grammar, Madam. Thank you. Have a good day! :)
  • I've never heard of stand up paddleboarding before but it sounds like a lot of fun! And yes Robbie, I'd talk about 'going stand up paddleboarding as well.

  • I went stand up paddleboarding in the beach last month. It was a lot of fun! Is my sentence correct? I think paddleboarding is a new trending water sport today. Thank you for sharing your video, Teacher Vicki! :)

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