Spin: It's Hard - to be God!

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This little story was shown in 60 film festivals and won 35 awards. This film is about how everything is connected in this world. The film's director - Jamin Winans, USA, 2005

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  • Hello, Andriana!

    Thank you very much for your attentionto this video on my page! Maybe you are right! :-)

  • This clip kind of reminds me the movies ''Final Destination''!The meaning and message behind them was similar.

  • Hello, Robbie!

    Thank you for your attention to this short movie of Jamin Winans!

    The famous Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov in his novel "The Master and Margarita" by thinking about it. There is a phrase - "Anna spilled vegetable oil." Those who read the novel, know that these words were uttered by Satan to one of the heroes of the novel, to prove that God exists and every person have a destiny.

    Hero denied everything, and that same day, he slipped on oil,which Anna spilled, then he was hit by a tram, and his head was cut off. :-)

  • I agree with this! We are all connected in some ways. I appreciate how you improved the title of this video. Thanks for sharing, Rosenmaiden! : )

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